Bodrum > Hisaronu > Bodrum



Day 1: Bodrum
Boarding starts at 15:30 from Bodrum Harbour. Guests who arrive early can leave their luggage at the Boating Turkey Office. On the first day, our boat will be anchored in Bodrum Port for dinner and overnight stay. Bodrum has a history that goes back to the 12th century B.C. The city which was called 'Halicarnassus' was the birthplace of Herodotus; the 'Father of History' who lived in the 5th century B.C. The 'Mausoleum' of King Mausolus (350 B.C.) which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World is in this city. The only structure that survived from the Classical Era is the Amphitheatre. It is one of the oldest theatres in Anatolia with a capacity of 13.000 guests, and is still hosting many shows and concerts for the art-lovers of Bodrum. Another place that you should visit whilst in Bodrum is the landmark of the city the 'Castle of Saint Peter'. It is one of the best preserved pieces of architecture with a history that dates back to the Middle Ages. 'Myndos Gate' through which Alexander the Great entered Halicarnassus is another place that you should not miss.

Day 2: Palamutbuku - Inceburun
Early in the morning we start cruise to Palamutbuku Bay. We will anchor in Ince Burun after lunch and swimming breaks. We will stay in this lovely bay for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Aktur - Bencik
After breakfast we will cruise to Aktur Bay. Then our first stop will be the Bencik Bay; which has a very narrow entrance but a unique view once you get inside. Bencik is located at the narrowest part of the peninsula that divides Hisaronu Gulf from the Gokova Gulf but it is located at Hisaronu side. In 550s B.C. the Cnidus people wanted to dig a tunnel in the narrowest land piece of the peninsula between the Hisaronu Gulf and the Gokova Gulf as a defence line against the Persians. That way they would make two peninsulas one island and the defence easier. They started with diligence and put a lot of effort; however, in the end they could not manage and the city was conquered by the Persians. Dinner and overnight stay will be at Bencik Bay.

Day 4: Emel Sayin Koyu - Orhaniye - Selimiye
After Breakfast we will anchor at Emel Sayin Bay and you can enjoy a swimming stop in this lovely bay. For lunch we will dock in Orhaniye. In Orhaniye Bay, you will see unique scenery of a natural tidal formation called 'kiz kumu' (Maiden's Beach). There are so many myths about this reddish sand-path going from the shore to the inner parts of the sea. On a tiny island located in the bay, you can see the wrecks of an antique castle, a sign of an ancient city. Today, our final destination will be Selimiye for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 5: Dirsek Buku - Bozburun
After anchoring in Dirsekbuku and taking a swimming stop, we will go to Bozburun which is a small fishing town. This area was popular and suitable for sponge-diving but nowadays the people of the island are no more interested in sponge-diving as it is not financially beneficial and is dangerous. In recent years sponge-diving is replaced by gulet tourism and Bozburun Gulets nowadays could take its place in this sector.

Day 6: Datca - Knidos (Cnidus)
We will cruise to Datca. Food and water will be supplied to the boat from Datca Harbour. The city was founded by the Dors who came from Aegean Sea to the southern coast of Ionia in the 7th century B.C. The island has no humidity at all and has fresh air with plenty of oxygen. The historian Strabo has a rightful saying about Datca's weather: "God would send his beloved servants to Datca to live longer". According to a myth while the Spanish pirates were passing by the coast of Datca, they disembarked people with Hansen's disease in Sariliman Bay and these abandoned people recovered from their disease with the help of the clean weather of Datca. You may take a walk in Datca Harbour. We will cruise to Cnidus for dinner and overnight stay. Cnidus was a developed city in science, art and architecture. Eudoxos, a very popular astronomer and maths professor; Dr. Euryphon; Polygontos, a popular painter; Skopas and Bryaksis of Faros, the most famous sculptors of the era; Sostrates, the architect of Alexandrian light house -one of the seven wonders of the World-and Ktesias the doctor who saved the life of a Persian king from a disaster lived on this island. Dr. Euryphon and his students founded the second largest medical sciences school in the Cnidus. The island also homes the largest sun clock of its time which was erected by Eudoksos. Cnidus was the home for Aphrodite's monument and at those times the city was famous for brothels and became popular for sailors and Arabic tradesmen. You may take a walk on the shore to see the ruins.

Day 7: Poyraz Limani - Meteor Bay - Bodrum
We cruise early in the morning to Karaada (Black Island). Breakfast and swimming stop will be at Poyraz Bay which is located at the northern side of the island. This is such a nice bay with its turquoise-blue waters. We will be anchoring at Meteor Bay for lunch which is located at the southern side of the island. There is a meteor hole here and this is how the bay got its name. Here you may jump over the platform in to the deep water. You may also take a walk through the under water cave which is very near to Meteor Bay for a small local fee. We will dock in Bodrum Harbour for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 8: Bodrum
We will leave the boat by 10:30 after breakfast.

What our clients say!

Mavi yolculuðumuzdan çok memnun kaldýk. Yemeklerden lezzetli ve çeþitliydi. Tekne çok güzel ve temizdi. Gezdiðimiz koylar temiz, sakin ve bize ait gibiydi. Kaptanýn her yeri karýþ karýþ biliyor olmasý gideceðimiz koylarda hayal kýrýklýðýna uðramayacaðýmýzýn garantisiydi. Uyumlu ve güleryüzlü ekipten yolculuk boyunca memnunduk ve sorun yaþamadýk. Popüler mavi tur rotalarý haricinde berrak denizde yüzmek ve sakin koylarda geceleyip sessizliði dinleyerek yýldýzlarý izlemek isteyenler Bozburun rotasýný tercih etmeliler. Dimitri, Hurmalý, Serçe, Bozukkale ve Kadýrga koylarý harikaydý. Sýð limanda denize girmeyi unutmayýn.
Teþekkürler Boating Turkey

Ömer ARI
Haziran 2009

We had a great time and loved Turkey. Warm, wonderful people...nice weather...great food – what’s not to like. The sailing was decent, though we could have used a bit more wind. We were very impressed with Boating Turkey...seems to be a well-managed company. You lined us up with a nice boat.

Thanks, again.

Jeffrey Logan

This was the most relaxing and unforgettable holiday ever! Great boat and broker, beautiful scenery, weather to match, delicious food and our crew went out of their way to be as helpful, friendly and flexible as possible. We felt like Royalty with the way they treated and spoilt us. We can only describe our experience as perfect! Boating Turkey Çok teþekkür ederim.

Anel Burgers

We (3 friends) decided in early April to take a boating trip to Turkey and having reviewed a number companies we decided to go with Boating Turkey - our main reason to go for them was they proivde all the details we needed to make our decision without much effort. This experience got better as we began our booking and all our communications with Boating Turkey - I have to say that they are one of the most professional organisation I have dealt with in booking a holiday . We arrived in Bodrum for our holiday and everthing was as we expected or better - the transfer from the airport , the boat , the crew (we had a great captain and cook ), the places we visited, the food and the general atmosphere which made our holiday a most relaxing, chilled out week. This was a great holiday and one that we will remember for a long time. We will do it again next year I hope.

Thank you for everything

Dara Mullen




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