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Specifications & Equipments

Cinarim A

Gulet type
3Standard gulet
27 m
7 m
Total cabin numbers
Double cabin
A / C
320 hp
Max. cruise speed
10 knots
Crew numbers
Cushioned aft deck
Deck table
Deck chairs
Sun deck area
Sun mattresses & cushions
Sun awning
Indoor dining area
Outdoor dining area
Teak Deck
Shower on deck
A/C in cabins
Private shower & WC in each cabin
Fully equiped galley
TV in saloon
Navigation equipment
Sailing equipment
Mobile telephone
Crew cabin
VHF radio
Depth sounder
12v electricity
24v electricity
220v electricity
Ice boxes
Dinghy with outboard engine
Snorkeling equipment
Fishing equipment
Optional water sports
What our clients say!

Hello everybody!

We are happy for writing about the most beautiful vacation we ever had. Choosing for this cruise in Turkey was the best ideea because it was a wonderful experience and we will do it again for sure. We were breathless even from the beginning, reaching the yacht- Grand Richmond- which is a beauty :) People from the crew were so nice and friendly and offered us all the condition to feel comfortable and safety during whole trip so, we became friends, it was a real pleasure for us to spend the time together with them.
Many thanks again to dear Candan, to the captain and all the crew.
It was all professionally handled by your company and we would deffinately recommend your charter company anytime. We loved Turkey and its people.

Adria & Catalin

Thanks again for all the help arranging our boat holiday! We had a blast! Nice boat, fantastic food, lovely crew with excellent service on board. When you include what you get for free: the fantastic sea and nature surrounding Bodrum... Our best holiday experience ever! I'm quite sure we'll do this again next year and most certainly use Necmi and Boating Turkey. No one can do it better! Until next year... Love, Hege Strand Oslo, Norway hege.strand[at]smartcall.no
Dear Necmi,
Your Dalaman pick-up and drop off was ready to go and Gocek was a nice little town with easy shopping and free delivery, we stayed the previous night at Gorkem Apartments which were absolutely superb with a fabulous breakfast. It was easy to both depart from and return to the marina, we sailed to the East and made a number of stops including stern tie-ups and swing anchor and mooring evenings. 14 days is essential if you want to relax and spend a couple of nights in the towns like Kalkan and Kas where we found loads of good restaurants esp Zula and Ottoman in Kalkan.

As for the sailing we all had a great time with Beaufort 2-7, the hand over was very simple and thorough, the staff were very helpful and the yacht was ready to go several hours earlier than the 16.00 hrs so we sailed out that afternoon and had our first meal at a 'jetty restaurant' a couple of hours away.

The Turkish marine regulations for sanitation and mooring in many of the bays mean beautiful clean water to swim in straight off the boat morning noon and night. The neighbouring yacht at one place told us this was, (along with New Zealand) the best place to sail. As to yourself, you answered every email quickly, sorted out any problem that arose, and when we had a gear breakage it was fixed as quickly as possible. Many thanks and we hope to come again but it is a long journey from N.Z

Mark Fort
New Zealand

Mavi yolculuðumuzdan çok memnun kaldýk. Yemeklerden lezzetli ve çeþitliydi. Tekne çok güzel ve temizdi. Gezdiðimiz koylar temiz, sakin ve bize ait gibiydi. Kaptanýn her yeri karýþ karýþ biliyor olmasý gideceðimiz koylarda hayal kýrýklýðýna uðramayacaðýmýzýn garantisiydi. Uyumlu ve güleryüzlü ekipten yolculuk boyunca memnunduk ve sorun yaþamadýk. Popüler mavi tur rotalarý haricinde berrak denizde yüzmek ve sakin koylarda geceleyip sessizliði dinleyerek yýldýzlarý izlemek isteyenler Bozburun rotasýný tercih etmeliler. Dimitri, Hurmalý, Serçe, Bozukkale ve Kadýrga koylarý harikaydý. Sýð limanda denize girmeyi unutmayýn.
Teþekkürler Boating Turkey

Ömer ARI
Haziran 2009




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